Home Zambia News Two schools in Muchinga province have thefts

Two schools in Muchinga province have thefts


Criminals have broken into TWO schools in the Nakonde and Isoka districts, taking various stuff with them.

The thieves took articles worth over K50,000 total from Chitamba Primary School, while they made off with K26,000 worth of goods from Chilanga Primary School.

According to Kaunda Mubanga, commanding officer of Muchinga Province, police were informed of a break-in and felony at Chitamba Primary School.

He claimed the crime happened at Nakonde’s Chitamba Elementary School yesterday between 1:00 and 5:00.

“The report was given by Prisca Muzinza aged 52 a Head Teacher at Chitamba Primary School. She stated that unknown persons broke and entered the Head and Deputy Head Teachers’ offices and stole from therein six Hasse Desktop computers all black in color each valued at K6,000, one tablet Samsung blue in color valued at K15,000, one Welding Machine valued at K3,500, two office chairs black in color valued at K800, one electric kettle silver in colour in color valued at K250, two pairs of office curtains black/white in color valued at K600, thirteen GPE Radios black in color valued at K2,600, two wall Clocks black/white in color valued at K500 and two Adaptors valued at K500 altogether valued K59,450=00, the property of Chitamba Primary School,” he said.

According to Mr. Mubanga, entry was made through the doors after the locks were broken with an unidentified tool.

Then on March 7 at 9:30, police in Isoka also received a report of a building being broken into and a felony being committed inside.

According to Mr. Mubanga, the incident at Chilanga Primary School took place between Monday, March 6, at around 17:00, and Tuesday, March 7, at approximately 4:00.

“Vivian Kapasa aged 44 of Chilanga Primary School a Deputy Headteacher at the said school reported on behalf of the school that unknown person(s) broke and entered the Headteacher’s office and stole from therein one Samsung Galaxy tablet black in colour valued at K10,000 and eight Laptops make unknown black and grey in colour valued at K16,000. altogether valued at K26,000,” he said.