Home Zambia News 4-year-old Dead Being caught up in parents fight

4-year-old Dead Being caught up in parents fight


A four-year-old youngster passed away after being struck by his father with a prepaid solar battery that was intended for his mother, who was the target of their argument.

Provided Masumba, 38, is thought to have returned home after a binge drinking session and begun accusing his wife Gladys Masumba, 25, of infidelity.

He accidentally hit their four-year-old child, who was wearing a chitenge and riding on his mother’s back, with a solar prepaid battery while throwing it at her.

The event occurred in Mwinilunga, according to North-Western provincial Commanding officer Dennis Moola, who broke the terrible news to Mwebantu.

He claimed that Methias Masumba, the child’s uncle, had reported the murder and claimed that Profias Masumba, his nephew, had been killed by his biological father.

“Acting on the report police rushed to the scene and found the body of the deceased lying in a kitchen and upon physical inspection of the body it was discovered with a swollen back. The suspect was already apprehended by the members of the public and later handed over to the police,” he said.