Chinsali Rejects Complaints Relating To Food Security Packs

The allegations that poor households receiving Social Cash Transfers (SCT) in the district were forced to pay 400 Kwacha to receive the Food Security Packs have been refuted by the Department of Community Development and Social Welfare in Chinsali.

Officer for community development TOM MUNGALA has denied accusations, stating they are unfounded.

According to the rules, beneficiaries must repay two 50-kilogram bags of maize and 40 Kwacha worth of beans through a pay-back scheme, which according to Mr. Mungala’s calculations comes to a total of 400 Kwacha.

Meanwhile, FESTUS MWAMBA, the chair of the Chinsali District Patriotic Front Constituency, has claimed that fraudulent activity occurred during the distribution of food security packs, a circumstance he calls regretful.

Mr. Mwamba claims that his office has received numerous accusations of corruption. He is urging the relevant government to look into the reports because no receipts were given.

According to accounts, some beneficiaries received less than what was allotted, while others were charged 400 kwacha at the point of collection without providing receipts, the speaker continued.

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