Chipata Prepared For Cholera And Nc’wala

According to Eastern Province Minister Peter Phiri, the region would conduct extensive cholera education campaigns prior to and during the Ngoni people’s traditional celebration known as Nc’wala.

This weekend will see the ceremony.

In order to ensure that people are sensitized, Mr. PHIRI claims that the government is collaborating closely with the Nc’wala organizing committee.

Mr. PHIRI made the appeal to those planning to attend the ceremony while inspecting construction at the Nc’wala major arena in Chipata’s Mtenguleni neighborhood.

The event will go off without a hitch, according to MOSES NYIRENDA, vice-chairman of the Nc’wala organizing committee.

LIMPO LIYWALII, the Eastern Province Police Commanding Officer, announced that there will be enough law enforcement present for the celebration in Mtenguleni.

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