Chushi Kasanda Tips Radio Breakfast Show Hosts

The Minister of Information and Media CHUSHI KASANDA is troubled by some badly sourced Radio phone-in breakfast programmes on important national topics.

According to Ms. KASANDA, visitors and callers are frequently permitted to make unverified allegations without the hosts questioning them.

She has urged radio stations to conduct research before airing such programs in order to properly direct the conversation and prevent people from being deceived.

It is admirable, according to Ms. KASANDA, to engage the public in public affairs through early morning shows.

Speaking today in Lusaka on the occasion of World Radio Day with the subject “Radio and Peace,” Ms. KASANDA.

As for accommodating different viewpoints, 2023 World Radio Day Organising Committee Chairperson KATENDI WANDI noted that intolerance ultimately leads to the disturbance of peace.

As radio stations get ready to switch from analogue to digital radio broadcasting, Ms. WANDI urged the government to take into account extending the tax break for the importation of broadcasting equipment.

Additionally, MISA Zambia Director AUSTINE KAYANDA urged radio stations to uphold objectivity while performing their tasks.

Speaking at the same event, HEATHER MUNACHONGA, a representative of the UNESCO Zambia National Commission, urged all radio stations to use radio as a special tool for fostering peace.

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