Home Zambia News Equatorial Guinea’s 43-year-old president will stay in office

Equatorial Guinea’s 43-year-old president will stay in office


Equatorial Guinea’s re-election of the world’s longest-serving leader will allow him to maintain his totalitarian rule.

Six days after the elections, authorities declared that Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 80, had received nearly 95% of the votes.

The president’s son and vice president Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue said, “The results confirm us correct again.” “We are still a terrific party,”

Several opponents ran for office, but none was predicted to prevail.

The oil-rich nation of central Africa is under the tight control of President Obiang, whose relatives hold important positions in the administration.

After a military takeover in 1979, he assumed control and has since thwarted multiple coup attempts.

He made modest changes after succeeding his predecessor and uncle, Francisco Macias Nguema, but he kept Nguema’s total power over the country.

The absence of a free press greatly restricts political opposition, as all broadcast media are either directly owned by the government or under its influence.

President Obiang, who has repeatedly refuted allegations of election manipulation and violation of human rights, is rumored to want to utilize his sixth term to improve his standing abroad.

The United Nations applauded the government’s decision to abolish the death penalty in September.

Critics have previously accused Equatorial Guinea of producing rigged election results.