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Former acting head of human resources and administration for Ministry of Defence Arrested


John Phiri, a former Ministry of Defence Acting Director of Human Resources and Administration and member of the Ministerial Procurement Committee for the same Ministry, has been detained by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for engaging in fraudulent behavior involving US$400,000,000.

John Phiri, 58, of Lusaka’s plot 1539/32A/E Obama area, has been charged with one count of willful disregard for the applicable law and procedure in violation of section 34 (2) (b) of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, according to ACC’s head of corporate communication Timothy Moono.

“Details are that John Phiri whilst acting together with other persons unknown on dates unknown but between 1st January 2017 and 31st July 2017 in Lusaka, being Acting Director of Human Resource and Administration for the Ministry of Defence, and also a member of Ministerial Procurement Committee, did willfully fail to comply with the applicable law and procedure in the manner he approved the award of the tender number MOD/MPC/024-17 relating to the procurement of the modernization of the Defence forces program which included the G650ER Presidential Jet, at a contract price of US$ 400,000,000 to Elbit Systems Limited,” he said.

Mr Moono said Mr Phiri has since been released on bond and will appear in court soon.