Human feet found in the crocs stomach

Two human feet were found in the stomach of a dead crocodile in Mufulira, which is a startling incidence that has been recorded.

The police were informed by Kidwell Marowatsanga that the dead reptile had human remains in its stomach.

The victim may have been a missing person associated with a crocodile attack, despite the fact that there has been no police complaint of a missing person.

Peacwell Mweemba, the commanding officer of the Copperbelt Police, stated that the issue had been brought up at the Kansuswa police station in Mufulira.

“We received information from Kidwell Marowatsanga to the effect that two human feet were found in the stomach of a crocodile which they killed. The incident occurred on Monday  at 14:00 hours .The police rushed to the scene and took photographs of the same. The two human feet have been picked and taken to Ronald Ross hospital mortuary pending investigations,” Mr Mweemba said.

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