Investor’s Title Deed Cancelled by Chingola Municipal Council

The Chingola Municipal Council has proposed that a title deed issued to Mapalo Quarries, a private developer who purchased 95 hectares of land in the Luano Kapisha region, be immediately revoked.

This, according to Tamara Muswala, is the case because the property in question is home to over a thousand homes as well as a police station and a government mini hospital.

The title deed for the Mapalo quarries has been canceled, according to Chingola Mayor JOHNSON KANG’OMBE, in order to preserve public property and the locals.

He claims that the investor was only allocated 5 hectares, and he wonders how he acquired the 95 hectares of land, which are shown in the council records.

According to Mr. KANG’OMBE, the local administration would not permit the eviction of residents or the destruction of government buildings that provide services to the people of Luano Kapisha.

The two government sites are assisting in providing health and other social services to the villages, and the news has been well received by the locals.

The Mini Hospital, according to CECILIA KABUNGO, a local of Luano Kapisha, is the closest medical facility for those in the neighborhood.

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