Judge addresses magistrate over abuse of power

The Patriotic Front (PF), which intended to use the building as party offices, is accused of changing the title to the MONGU High Court judge-in-charge Wilfred Muma’s property in Lusaka. Muma appeared before the Lusaka Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

Judge Muma was charged with two counts of abusing his position of authority and willful disregard for the law and the relevant procedure when he appeared before Chief Resident Magistrate Davies Chibwili.
The distribution and disposal of public property are the allegedly broken laws and procedures.

Judge Muma, who served as commissioner of lands between April 1 and December 31, 2018, is accused of breaking the law, more specifically, section 84(1) of the Lands and Deeds Registry Act Chapter 185 of the Laws of Zambia.
Following reportedly giving his subordinates the order to cancel Certificate Title Number 21818 pertaining to Public Property Number Lusak/LN without according to the law or the relevant procedure, the adjudicator allegedly did so.
On the second count, the accused is accused of abusing his position as commissioner of lands between the same dates by asking the army commander to provide over a certificate of title for property with the identification number Lusak/LN-8426/1.

By reportedly offering the same land to the PF party, the accused is further accused of abusing his position and acting arbitrarily against the interests of the Zambian government.

The case was assigned to Magistrate Trevor Kasanda by Magistrate Chibwili.

The charges were then presented to the 58-year-old adjudicator before magistrate Kasanda.

But, the accused was unable to enter a plea since the Director of Public Prosecutions has not yet authorized his prosecution.

The case will be discussed for a potential plea the following Friday.

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