Kcm Maintaining Targets For Production

The Provisional Liquidator for Konkola Copper Mine, CELINE NAIR, has denied claims made by the mine unions that the company is not meeting its production and planning obligations.

The three unions that represent the workers at KCM and its subsidiaries have made false accusations, according to Ms. NAIR.

She claims that KCM is surprised by the unions’ stance given that the Company consistently gives the unions updates in response to their requests for information.

The suggestion that workers show up for work merely to sit at their desks, according to Ms. NAIR, is not only false but also spiteful, which management finds difficult to understand.

Although KCM is having some issues and does need bridging finance, she has informed ZNBC news in Kitwe that the unions’ portrayal of the situation is inaccurate.


This information may be found in a statement that KCM General Manager of Corporate Affairs, SHAPI SHACHINDA, provided to ZNBC news in Kitwe.


The unions reported yesterday that workers at KCM subsidiaries Konkola Mineral Resources Limited (KMRL) and KCM SmelterCo Limited are showing up for work without having been given any duties to complete.

The United Mine Workers of Zambia, the National Union of Mining and Allied Workers, and the Mine Workers Union of Zambia are the three unions.

They requested a news conference to lobby the government to permit Vedanta Resources to take over KCM once more.

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