Home Zambia News Measures To Eradicate CBPP To Be Implemented By Gov

Measures To Eradicate CBPP To Be Implemented By Gov


The Contagious Bovine Pleural Pneumonia (CBPP) illness has been declared eradicated in Western Province, and the government has launched strategic efforts to that end.

The suggested control and eradication strategy, according to MAKOZO CHIKOTE, Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, includes testing and slaughter, compensation, and restocking, among other things.

In order to stop the disease from crossing the border into Western Province, the minister has revealed that the three-year implementation measures would start in June of this year and deploy 250 cordon guards.

In the Kalabo district, Mr. CHIKOTE made this announcement during a consultation with smallholder cattle producers.

The smallholder cattle producers were praised by Kalabo Central Member of Parliament CHINGA MIYUTU for unanimously supporting the suggested CBPP eradication approach.

And DAVID NYUNDU, the chair of the Kalabo Council, advised the livestock producers to be change agents and educate others about the new policies.

Earlier, MUSANGU NJAMBA, the district commissioner for Kalabo, lamented that CBPP had reduced the number of cattle in the region and subjected smallholder farmers to socioeconomic challenges.

When the minister for fisheries and livestock paid him a courtesy visit, Mr. NJAMBA said this.