DJ Black Coffee dragged into Enhle Mbali’s polygamous saga

Enhle Mbali‘s polygamous saga made her soon-to-be ex-husband Black Coffee trend. This comes after Valentino Bango allegedly Leaked an audio recording of her conversation with the fashion designer seemingly admitting to having sexual relations with her husband Justice Bango. The trending voice recordings reveal that Enhle was considering getting into a polygamous marriage with Bango, to which Valentino expressed she had no interest in getting into one.
Enhle Mbali and DJ Black Coffee
Soon after this bombshell, both Enhle and her baby daddy Black Coffee started trending. On the voice recordings Valentino can be heard asking Enhle if her husband was correct when he said they will continue with their relationship to which Enhle denied. “Enhle just a quick one, so as far as I know I just want to hear from you, because I am hearing from him. You guys have decided to continue your relationship?” asked Valentino. Enhle responded by saying, “That is not what we spoke about. The last time we spoke was after we spoke and I was waiting for what you had said.”
Enhle Mbali and Black Coffee
Valentino Bango made it clear that she doesn’t want isthembu, “As I have said to him, I do not want isthembu. I am not going to change my mind. Mina what I am hearing from him is that niyaqhubeka regardless of what I want. Enhle Mbali Mlothswa then responds, “So him and I have business together, ventures that took place before we were anything. You were hurt when you spoke to me and I know that feeling. That’s not the feeling I want on anyone to go through. Which is why I kept silent and I took it in and I took your pain in. And I completely understood where you were coming from. Something brings me back and I was like you know what, let’s try. And from that trying I was telling him what I was doing, I had questions I was asking with regards to what it entails to be in isthembu, apart from watching couple of shows. I know people in South Africa, a couple of friends of friends that are in isthembu and I have done my homework and I understand that it needed to be received from home first. When this drama first came out, people assumed that Black Coffee had something to do with it. He was recently made the face of GBV by Enhle which he responded to this in several Tweets.
Source: In other news – Enhle Mbali EXPOSED for dating someone’s husband & she wants to be wife number 2

South African actress Enhle Mbali has faced a lot of scrutinies these past couple of weeks. Scrutiny all started when her ex-husband Black Coffee was in his feelings about Enhle’s 16 Days of Activism post back in December 2022.

Enhle Mbali

However, at the time, it seemed that favor was falling on Enhle’s side as Black Coffee was reminded that he was the alleged abuser and confirmed serial cheater during their marriage. A fact that many believed was the reason that Black Coffee would leak a story about Enhle Mbali inflicting the same type of pain on another married woman. Learn More

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