SA rapper Nasty C gets married to his car – Photos

Nasty C has taken to his social media to reveal that he has gotten married to his Mercedes Benz.

In October, the star shared a video clip showing off his brand-new Mercedes Benz whip.

The rapper can be heard giving a shout-out to Mercedes Benz at the same time hinting at starting a family so that he can enjoy a ride with his wife and kids.

Well, Nasty has taken to his Instagram now to reveal that he is married to his car.

He shared photos of himself sitting beside the car and holding flowers.

“Married to @mercedesbenzsa .. a true love story 🌹”

In other news – AKA loses R6k to betting over Argentina – Saudi Arabia football match

AKA loses R6 000 to betting again following a football match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia.

World Cup 2022 has started, and people got glued to their screens this Tuesday, as Messi who is one of the biggest football stars played for his country.

Tons of people who enjoy betting placed their money on Argentina, but many got disappointed as the game ended with a 2-1.

The South African rapper hurriedly expressed his pain on Twitter. Learn More

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