Home Zambia News The Government Will Implement Emergency Cash Transfer

The Government Will Implement Emergency Cash Transfer


The Emergency Cash Transfer Program will shortly be implemented in 12 districts, according to the government.

According to GABRIEL POLLEN, National Coordinator for the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), the initiative is intended for those who are suffering from food insecurity as a result of floods, dry spells, or insect infestation that occurred during the 2021–2022 season.

Lusaka, Lumezi, Lusangazi, Chama, Gwembe, Sinazongwe, Siavonga, Namwala, Itezhi-tezhi, Mwandi, and Sesheke are some of the districts.

According to Dr. POLLEN, the districts were chosen based on having the maximum number of shocks throughout the wet season.