At a gathering of many heads of state in Washington, US President Joe Biden promised billions of dollars in additional investment for Africa.
President Biden assured the more than 40 African leaders present at the meeting that “the United States is ‘all in’ on Africa’s future.”
During a meeting, he also expressed optimism about stronger ties with Africa while announcing $55 billion (£44.4 billion) in fresh investment for the region over the following three years. For sustainable energy projects, this includes $100 million.
He told the Washington audience that when Africa prospered, the United States followed suit.
Mr. Biden stressed the value of effective government, healthy populations, and accessible energy.
At a time when China, Russia, and Turkey are expanding their influence in Africa, the meeting of chiefs of state is considered as an effort by the United States to reassert its influence there.
It’s the first such event that Washington has hosted in eight years.