Home Zambia News Women Advocate for Gender Ministry

Women Advocate for Gender Ministry

Gender Ministry

Non-Governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has called on the government to reestablish the Ministry of Gender.

Speaking during a press briefing in Mpika District, Nakonde District Women Association Treasurer Cleopatra Namonje said that women in Muchinga and Northern Province would like the government to consider reintroducing the Ministry of Gender.
The Ministry of Gender was dissolved and moved to the Office of the President in 2021.

Ms Namonje said that the ministry will be well placed to coordinate Gender mainstreaming in the public, private and civil society spaces once reintroduced.

“While we appreciate the work of the division, we believe issues of women require a dedicated Minister present in cabinet and also in parliament, and accessible to the women,” Ms Namonje said.

NGOCC Board Secretary Patricia Mukumbuta said there is a big gap in the parliamentary discourse because women do not have anyone speaking about gender issues in the house.

“We do not have anyone who will speak to the gender aspects even as they deliberate in parliament, because whatever we do be it budgeting, policies, there are gender aspects to it,” Ms Mukumbuta said.

Source: Lusakatimes

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