ConCourt Upholds Chinsali MP MUKOSA’s Election

The election of KALALWE MUKOSA as the MP for CHINSALI Central was affirmed by the Constitutional Court.

After overturning the High Court’s decision to declare Mr. MUKOSA’s election results invalid, Deputy President of the Constitutional Court ANNIE SITALI ruled him to have been legitimately elected.

Judge SITALI concurred with Mr. MUKOSA’s claims that High Court Judge Timothy Katanewa committed legal error by invalidating his election results without providing any supporting documentation for the malpractice claims made against him.

The Electoral Process Act’s Section 97 Subsection Two Clause “A” was cited by Judge SITALI.

LEWIS NATHAN Advocates & TUTWA NGULUBE & Associates acted as counsel for Mr. MUKOSA.

Following a petition filed by Mr. CHRISTOPHER MULENGA, an Independent candidate, and Mr. CHARLES MUSANYA of the UPND, a High Court Judge named Timothy Katanewka sitting in Kasama nullified Mr. MUKOSA’s election in November 2021. In response to the judgment, Mr. MULENGA expressed respect for the court’s decision even though he was disappointed, and Mr. MUSANYA echoed the same sentiments.

Lawyer LAWRENCE CHIKUTA of Lusaka defended the two.

However, the acting president of the Patriotic Front (PF), GIVEN LUBINDA, said that Mr. MUKOSA’s election was legitimate.

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