People’s right to assemble Violated by Public Order Act

The Public Order Act should be repealed and replaced, according to the Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC), since it violates people’s rights to assembly, association, and free speech.

In its current form, the Public Order Act, according to Commission Chairperson RUTH CHIBBABBUKA, limits people’s ability to exercise their democratic rights.

According to Justice CHIBBABBUKA, the commission suggests that instead of the present 14-day requirement, notices for public gatherings or processions should be filed five days in advance.

She adds that the Minister of Home Affairs, as opposed to a Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of a District Magistrate in charge of

According to Justice CHIBBABBUKA, the Public Gatherings Bill will ensure people’s freedom and permit Zambians to hold impromptu gatherings without worrying about being hassled by security personnel.

During the presentation of the Public Gatherings Bill to Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe and Home Affairs Minister Jack Miimbu, she made this statement in a speech that was read for her by ZLDC Vice Chairperson Munukayumbwa Munyima.

The Public Gatherings Bill’s provisions, according to Justice Minister MULAMBO HAIMBE, represent the goals of the government in promoting democracy.

According to Mr. HAIMBE, the government supports the rule of law, constitutional government, and the advancement of human rights.

When the measure is passed, according to Home Affairs Minister JACK MWIIMBU, it will alter how law enforcement agencies work since they will have to support and defend people’s freedoms of expression, assemble, and associate.

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