Home Zambia News Chinsali Boy, 16, drowns while fishing

Chinsali Boy, 16, drowns while fishing


A canoe that a 16-year-old kid from the Chinsali district was on with a friend capsized while they were out fishing, and the youngster drowned.

Joshua Nkweto tragically drowned after failing to navigate the Lubu River’s floods.

The terrible incident was confirmed by the commanding officer of Muchinga province, Kaunda Mubanga, who stated that it took place on Monday at or around 9:00 a.m. at the Lubu River in Kasembo village of the Chinsali district.

Joshua Nkweto, age 16, also perished in the Lubu River after his boat capsized, according to Mulenga Sichone, age 38, of Kasembo village, who reported the incident over the phone.

“Brief facts are that the victim with two friends and his brother, Gift Nkweto aged 19 went fishing in Lubu River. They then decided to pair up and Joshua, the now deceased paired up with his friend, Negasi Mfula .As they were paddling the canoe, they decided to go across the river to Kalwala Village, but in the process,the canoe they were in capsized. Joshua , he now deceases failed to swim to shore while his partner managed. His partner,

Negasi Mfula after swimming to safety shouted for help, but by the time people came, his friend had already drowned and died,” he said.

Mr Mubanga said the body of the victim was retrieved by members of the public and deposited to Chinsali District Hospital Mortuary awaiting burial as both Police and relatives do not suspect any foul play.