Home Football Busa Players Suspended By Faz For Attacking Match Officials

Busa Players Suspended By Faz For Attacking Match Officials


FRED KANGWA, the general manager of Bauleni Sports Academy, and three players have been temporarily suspended by the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) pending investigations.

This comes after the bloody encounter between Green Eagles Football Club and Bauleni United Sports Academy (BUS) at the conclusion of their FAZ Women Super League match from Week 31.

The association has also suspended GERTRUDE MFUMBA, SHEILA NAMUZUNGU, and GRACE PHIRI, all of whom play for the same team, according to FAZ Acting General Secretary IVA LENGWE.

Following Green Eagles’ 2-1 victory over BUSA at Crested Crane Stadium, LENGWE claims the quartet attacked match officials, which is against the FAZ Disciplinary Code. They have since been suspended.

In a statement, LENGWE claimed that after the game, the center referee, the assistant referee, and the media representative for the Green Eagles were physically attacked by BUSA FC players, the General Secretary, and other unidentified aggressors.

This is in accordance with a statement made by SYDNEY MUNGALA, manager of FAZ communications.