Home Entertainment Zim Celebs Mai TT N#DES Leaked

Mai TT N#DES Leaked

Mai TT Nudes

Another scandal hits the Zimbabwean Entertainment Industry! Seems Zimbabwe is just one drama series, if it’s not these socialites making noise on Social Media it’s scandal after scandal! The latest scandal comes with the most vocal of socialites Mai TT who had her n#des leaked and are all over social media.

Mai TT Nudes


It seems Mai TT knew her n#des were out there and might be leaked. In 2021 it was reported that the comedienne knew that her n#des were out there and could be leaked and finally the pictures and video are all over the internet.

We are not yet sure as to who leaked the pictures and video but I am sure the list of suspects is not very long… She does openly attack people online and I am sure a few of those would want to see her reputation tarnished on social media.

The Zimbabwean socialite has over 1.3 million followers on Facebook and almost 500K Instagram followers and we know all her fans would want to hear her explain what happened… Will she do a live Facebook video explaining what happened?

Looking at the pictures though, I wonder if they will tarnish her image or rather market her for more adult roles haha…. just joking! You can view the pictures and video from our adult partners, check below…


Source: Mbare Times

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Lulu Menziwa

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