Home Zambia News Government Orders Farmers To Breed Climate-Resilient Animals

Government Orders Farmers To Breed Climate-Resilient Animals


Farmers in the Petauke district have been instructed by the government to adopt innovations that support the raising of cattle that can withstand shifting climatic difficulties.

Senior Coordinator for Fisheries and Livestock CHRISBORM MUBAMBA advised livestock farmers to adopt innovative technology that can increase livestock productivity in the face of climate change.

In the Petauke district, the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is carrying out the Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP), which is funded by the World Bank.

He claimed that more than 15,000 enhanced hens were acquired and given to 1,542 poultry farmers in the district as part of the scheme.

And one of the beneficiaries, MATILDAH BANDA of Petauke’s Minga neighborhood, praised ZIFLP for helping farmers find alternate sources of income.

The improved village chicken breed has empowered Ms. BANDA, who claimed that the poultry business has increased her income and is making a small profit.