Home Zambia News Sampa Loses Appellate Case, Must Pay Back K1.8 Million

Sampa Loses Appellate Case, Must Pay Back K1.8 Million


KELVIN SAMPA, a former chairperson of the Patriotic Front National Youth, has lost his appeal against the stay of the judgment’s execution.

This relates to the case where he was mandated to reimburse SALEHE MBARUKU SENGULO & MBARUKU Trading Company, a businessman from Tanzania, more than K1.8 million.

The High Court’s decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal despite Mr. SAMPA’s request for a stay of execution, according to the Court of Appeal.

Tribunal of Appeals Judge ANNIE SHARPE-PHIRI, who rendered the judgment, held that the higher court must have a reasonable expectation of success in the appeal case before it will grant a stay of the lower court’s judgment.

She brought up the dispute between the defunct Post Newspapers Limited and the Zambia Revenue Authority.

Mr. SAMPA requested a stay of execution of the High Court’s judgment ordering him to return K1.8 million to Mr. Sengolo after being found accountable for misappropriating K1.4 million from the latter.

Judge KOREEN MWENDA-ZIMBA of the LUSAKA High Court rendered a ruling after finding that Mr. SENGULO & MBARUKU Trading Company had substantiated their case against Mr. SAMPA.

By falsely representing himself, Mr. SAMPA received K1.4 million from Mr. Sengolo & MBARUKU Trading Company in March 2021. He did this by promising to help the defendants’ impounded liquor be released.

According to reports, Mr. SAMPA falsely claimed to be connected to several ZRA officials.

However, Mr. SAMPA is accused of keeping K1.4 million from ZRA as his commission after receiving it from the respondents.