Zambia News

Despite the truce, fighting breaks out in Eastern DR Congo

Despite a truce between the government and rebel factions, new fighting has broken out in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to local accounts, a large number of residents are alleged to have fled their homes as a result of the fighting between the army and M23 rebels on Tuesday.

Toward the town of Mweso, there is “massive displacement,” a local journalist told the BBC on Tuesday.

The military has not responded to the most recent combat, but a rebel spokesman claimed that government forces attacked their positions as they prepared to further evacuate in accordance with a deal struck in Luanda, the capital of Angola.

President Félix Tshisekedi stated last week in Davos that the rebel group was “moving around and redeploying to different places” rather than retiring.

President Tshisekedi is alleged by the rebels to be more interested in “crushing the M23” than in amicably ending the conflict.

According to the UN, since last year’s war began, more than 400,000 people have fled their homes.

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