MAGISTRATE has learned that two men defiled a 15-year-old girl from Matero and threatened to stab her with a knife if she screamed.
The victim, who was in grade 10, later became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.
One of the suspects fled as he was being escorted to the police, but two suspects were eventually captured in connection with defilement.
The final suspect, 27-year-old Michael Chishala, made an appearance before Lusaka Magistrate Crispin Hampungani yesterday in relation to the alleged defilement that allegedly took place on July 23, 2021.
The victim’s mother testified in court during the trial, saying that she learned her daughter had been defiled when she learned the minor was more than five months pregnant.
According to the evidence, the victim was with her father on the relevant day at approximately 15:00 in Matero as they traveled to the market so he could buy her some shoes close to Mandevu crossroads.
The father asked the daughter to go back to his house since he would only buy the shoes the next day because the price was too expensive for his budget.
The young girl encountered two weird males on her way back at a junction where her father’s business is located.
She was addressed by name by the guys, who also informed her that her father had requested that they take her to her biological grandmother’s home in Chaisa Township.
According to testimony given in court, the victim followed the guys who drove her to an elderly woman’s home in Chaisa. When she arrived, the woman invited the victim inside.
One of the two males also went inside, shut the door, and led the woman to a room where he demanded that she take off her clothes before pulling out a knife and threatening to stab her if she screamed.
The second man, who was standing outside, also went inside, and the two men alternated defiling the student before leading her back to her house.
The victim’s mother claimed that she didn’t tell anybody about the defilement of her child until her neighbor told her that the victim was expecting a child before the victim revealed how she had been Violated.