Zambia News

Fighting For Her Life After Hippo Attack: Siavonga Woman

After being assaulted by a hippos, a 30-year-old lady from the Siavonga District is currently in critical condition.

FLORA HADELEMA of Mundulundulu Village, which is in Chief SIMAMBA’s territory, is a patient at the Siavonga District Hospital, where it is said that her condition is precarious.

According to DANNY MWALE, the deputy spokesperson for the Zambian police, the victim saw a hippo grazing in her corn field close to Lake Kariba and went there to try to drive it out.

According to Mr. MWALE, this is when the hippo charged and began to assault her.
The woman, according to him, suffered severe numerous injuries (hippo bites) on her legs and stomach.
Police, according to Mr. MWALE, have since filed an inquiry file.

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