Home Zambia News K1.8m Is Given By The Govt To Youth And Women In WP

K1.8m Is Given By The Govt To Youth And Women In WP


In Kalabo, Western Province, the government has distributed 1.8 million Kwacha as grants for women and young people under the Constituency Development Funds (CDF).

All 14 wards of the Kalabo Constituency have this.

Additionally, CHINGA MIYUTU, a local member of parliament, reports that 654 students have received bursaries.

According to Mr. MIYUTU, more than 2 million Kwacha were allotted for the bursaries and youth skill development, which helped 324 at-risk adolescents.

One of the young people who benefited from the skills development component, KAPITO LIFUTI of the Lwanginga ward, has complimented the government for its dedication to improving the standard of living for youngsters.