Zambia News

Mumbwa-landless Corner Temporary Bridge To Be Erected By Rda,Zns

Engineers from the Zambia National Service (ZNS) and the Road Development Agency (RDA) have begun preliminary work to create a temporary bridge on the Mumbwa – Landless Corner, which has been closed after a bridge washed away.

The acrow bridge will be built within 14 days, according to Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister CHARLES MILUPI, enabling traffic to begin moving.

After leading a team of engineers from the RDA and ZNS to inspect the destroyed bridge in the Chiwena neighborhood of Mumbwa, Mr. MILUPI said the government wants to make sure that traffic on the road can resume as soon as feasible.

And COLLINS NZOVU, a Member of Parliament from Nangoma, disclosed that eleven bridges throughout the Constituency had been swept away due to recent severe rains.

The Green Economy and Environment Minister, Mr. NZOVU, pleaded with the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) to provide food and shelter for the locals.

Headmen CHISAKA and MWAMBANABANTU of the Chiwena region have subsequently hailed the government for its prompt action after the bridge washed away.

The RDA stopped the Mumbwa-Landless Corner route yesterday because it was unsafe for motorists.

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