A distribution of 1,500 bicycles has begun as part of the Keeping Girls in School (KGS) project’s Case Management System (CMS) rollout, according to Minister of Education DOUGLAS SIAKALIMA.
The bicycles, according to Mr. SIAKALIMA, will improve outreach initiatives and make it easier for affiliated instructors and volunteers to reach out to girls who are at-risk of dropping out of school.
According to him, follow-up activities are crucial for both helping girls who are not in school to enroll in the program or return to school and for tailored treatments for in-school girls who are at danger of leaving school.
Speaking during the exercise’s flag-off in Lusaka, Mr. SIAKALIMA reaffirmed the government’s commitment to improving inclusive education and expanding disadvantaged girls’ access to and participation in the nation’s educational system.
He revealed that all KGS-implementing schools in the Eastern, Western, Southern, Copperbelt, North-Western, Muchinga, and Luapula Provinces will be covered by the first consignment of bicycles.