Home Zambia News US Initiative To Spend Money On Amplifying Food Production

US Initiative To Spend Money On Amplifying Food Production


The government of the United States has promised to assist Zambia in intensifying agricultural production in a sustainable manner.

Zambia has been picked and designated for agricultural development because it has the potential to become the breadbasket for Southern Africa and beyond, according to CARY FOWLER, the U.S. Special Envoy for Global Food Security.

Dr. FOWLER stated that Zambian agriculture is experiencing a promising turning point in an interview in Lusaka.

The meeting with partners to explore prospective investments was prompted by Zambia’s selection as the new “Feed the Future” country, according to USAID’s Acting Assistant to the Administrator DINA ESPOSITO.

In order to break the cycle of poverty and hunger, Feed the Future, the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative, collaborates closely with partner nations to strengthen their agricultural sectors. By assisting people in feeding themselves and providing significant opportunities for a new generation of young people, Feed the Future works to create a more stable global community.

The effort includes participation from Ghana and Ethiopia.