According to the Civil Service Commission, the Ministry of Health’s inability to complete some disciplinary and confirmation cases on time is a factor in the subpar service that health facilities receive.
It is intolerable, according to Commission Chair PETER MUMBA, that some disciplinary cases have gone on for up to 19 years.
According to Mr. MUMBA, the Commission would no longer let unruly personnel to remain on the payroll for years while degrading service quality.
He claims that some health personnel have a bad attitude and tend to be corrupt, and that this is why people are complaining.
At a ceremony to inaugurate the Ministry of Health’s Human Resource Management Committee, Mr. MUMBA made this statement.
Speaking at the same event, Professor LACKSON KASONKA, Permanent Secretary for Technical Services at the Ministry of Health, asserted that the Committee will efficiently manage human resource concerns for the more than 75,000 employees of the Ministry.
This was said by Professor KASONKA in a speech that was read on his behalf by Acting Human Resources Director for the Ministry of Health, VIVIAN CHIKOTI.