Business entrepreneur Josephine Tembo, who is located in Lusaka, has promised to provide a TOYOTA ALLION to performing singer K’MILLIAN, who was left stranded after failing to pay a Yango driver promotion fee of K10. Businesswoman stated that she is only able to commit to that amount because she is also looking for funding to protect her only kid from the circumstances surrounding K’Millan.
Here is what she said:
“ANYONE TO ASSIST ME WITH THE PHONE NUMBER OF K’MILLIAN OR HIS MANAGERS. The trending story of him is so embarrassing and to look at his reputation and age, he doesn’t deserve to be linked to such. I felt bad when someone tagged me to the story.
As we are opening the end of the year stock next week, i pledge the Toyota Allion with k3,000 of fuel to start with.
I can’t offer him more than that, I wish I could. Manje apa am also broke my brother.
I will appreciate the response