Home Zambia News Sikumba Praises German Tourism Support

Sikumba Praises German Tourism Support


The German government has made investments in the tourist, education, and health sectors in the Senanga area of Western Province. Tourism Minister RODNEY SIKUMBA has thanked them for their support.

Many Zambians’ lives have reportedly improved as a result of the ongoing relationship between Germany and Zambia through the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier, according to Mr. SIKUMBA.

At the official delivery of a two by three classroom block to the Mbuyu Community Clinic and School yesterday, the Minister made this statement.
With financial and technical assistance from the Germany Development Bank – KFW, the two facilities were constructed and furnished for a total of K2.9m.

And Mr. SIKUMBA, who also serves as the chair of the Council of Ministers of the KAZA-TFCA, which includes Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, is pleased to learn that a tourism facility has been constructed in the Sioma Ngweze region for roughly K2 million.

Additionally, Germany remains dedicated to assisting Zambia and the KAZA Conservation program, according to ANNE WAGNER-MITCHELL, the country’s ambassador.

The Federal Republic of Germany has also received praise from Senanga district’s rural school in Mbuyu, Western Province Minister KAPELWA MBANGWETA, and Senanga Member of Parliament WALUSA MULALIKI.

Dr. NYAMBE NYAMBE, executive director of KAZA, has promised the people of Mbuyu that there will be additional development.

Additionally, Professor ANDREW NAMBOTA, Executive Director of Peace Parks, has requested the local Member of Parliament to spend some of the Constituency Development Fund CDF to support the work being done by KAZA and other local cooperating partners.

Residents of Mbuyu have been forewarned by the Barotse Royal Establishment – BRE representative Induna IKAKENA against damaging the school and clinic.