169 kilometers of the resurfaced Chinsali-Nakonde route are now available to traffic, with construction on schedule.
The project, which includes a weigh bridge, truck parks, and toll plazas, according to Road Development Agency -RDA – Regional Engineer PETER SIKOMBE, is expected to be finished in February 2019.
The 210km road project has been divided into two lots, with two contractors working on each lot. The project is being funded through a grant from the African Development Bank.
According to Mr. SIKOMBE, China State Engineering Corporation is working on Lot 1, a 103-kilometer section that connects Chinsali and Isoka, while China Railway 7 Group is constructing the 107-kilometer section that connects Isoka and Nakonde.
Additionally, resident consultant ELIAS IBRAHIM stated that the design is compacted to last 20 years and takes into account the large freight that must pass through the route.
He disclosed that the initiative has hired more than a thousand locals.