MUTALE NALUMANGO, vice president, has urged parliamentarians to band together and combat vices that serve to advance tribalism.
All members of parliament, according to Mrs. NALUMANGO, should set aside their political allegiances and condemn tribalism in all its forms.
The vice president regrets that some social groups have persisted in promoting tribalism in the nation.
According to her, tribalism has brought many nations to ruin and shouldn’t be tolerated by all decent Zambians.
RONALD CHITOTELA of Pambashe was the subject of the Vice President’s response during the National Assembly’s vice president question period.
Mr. CHITOTELA requested information from the government regarding recent tribal comments attributed to a named Council Chairperson in the province of Luapula.
MEANWHILE, Mrs. NALUMANGO further claimed President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA’s worldwide tours are meant to market Zambia to the International community.
According to her, Zambia recently lost credibility on the global stage, which is why President HICHILEMA decided to undertake a number of international tours to improve the country’s reputation.
The Vice President outlined how the amount of foreign investors interested in investing in Zambia is proof that Zambia is making progress as a result of the President’s tours abroad.
Mrs. NALUMANGO was responding to Mitete Member of Parliament MISHECK MITELO, who inquired as to how President HICHILEMA’s abroad travels were helping Zambia.
She continued by saying that given the favorable economic environment that the government has established, Zambia could anticipate more foreign investors.
According to Mrs. NALUMANGO, President HICHILEMA will keep marketing the nation in an effort to attract more foreign investment.