Home Zambia News 5000 homes will get electricity

5000 homes will get electricity


A French solar energy company will electrify MORE than 5000 homes in Zambia as part of a project intended to address the needs of the population in getting electricity.

Generale Du Solaire will complete the electrification project, which is anticipated to serve nine towns throughout the nation.

Dr. Christine Kaseba Sata, Zambia’s ambassador to France, learned that preparations for the installation of solar power plants in Zambia have proceeded during a tour of the solar power facility in Sodourn, France.

Dr. Kaseba applauded General Du Solaire for deciding to place the investment in Zambia.

She gave the investors her word that the government would protect their investment.

This is a statement made by Naomi Mweemba, the first secretary of press and public relations for the Zambian Embassy in Paris.

“This project will greatly benefit the small medium enterprises who depend on electricity for their business activities”, Dr Kaseba said.

The project to electrify the rural community, according to Generale Du Solaire Director for Africa and the Middle East Alexis Rehbinder, aims to support efforts made by the national utility.


Mr. Rehbinder declared that his group will work with Zesco to enhance and speed up the rate at which consumers may receive electricity.


He hoped that the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) and the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) would accelerate the issue of permits so they could start up operations by the end of this year.

He declared that in order to enhance and speed up the rate at which people may receive power, his group will work with Zesco.