Home Zambia News Couple from N-Western Province splits after 78 years of Marriage

Couple from N-Western Province splits after 78 years of Marriage


A couple from North-Western Province has sadly divorced after 78 years of marriage, adding their name to the list of 31,000 divorce cases that have been reported so far in 2022.

The Eastern province couple had just been married for nine days when they exchanged vows at the altar, according to the identical divorce cases.

The 31,000 incidents reported last year represent an increase from the 22,000 cases recorded in 2021, according to figures received from the local court.

Sadly, adultery and intoxication are the main causes of divorce.

Gender-based violence, adultery, harshness between couples, laziness, and childlessness are some factors cited as contributing to the rise in divorce proceedings.

Statistical data shows that Eastern Province, with 8,727 divorce cases, tops the list, followed by Lusaka Province, with 6,072 divorces, Copperbelt, with 1,979, Northern Province, with 2,793, North-Western, with 1,462, Central, with 1,568, Western province, with 1,742, Muchinga, with 1,273, and Luapula, with 1,061 cases.