Following an operation with other coworkers, a 34-year-old male nurse from Mansa General Hospital allegedly killed himself by injecting an unknown substance into himself.
Josphat Daka was discovered with the injection that was thought to have been used, as well as a cut on his forehead from falling to the ground later.
Additionally, it’s said that just before he passed away, he made the decision to get some rest. When questioned why, he reportedly told his coworkers that he had troubles.
The unfortunate tragedy was confirmed by Gloria Mulele, the commanding officer of Luapula Province, who stated it happened yesterday at around 05:15.
She claimed that the deceased was discovered dead in the decontamination room of the institution while working the night shift.
“Brief facts are that the now deceased was working with two female nurses Mutale Elizabeth aged 55, Precious Chilufya aged 29, one male nurse Chiyangi Danny aged 43 and a Getrude Kapungwe aged 33. They reported on duty on January 25th, 2023 at 17:50 hours. Around 19:00 hours, they had a patient and they operated on him together with the now deceaced and finished at 20:25 hours and the patient was taken back to the ward,” she said.
Ms Mulele said they then had supper together and afterwards, the now deceased then told them that he was going to sleep.
“His colleagues asked him why he wanted to go and sleep so early and he kept saying it is because of problems. That is how he went in the resting room leaving the rest of his colleagues since they had no case to work on. Then on January 26 at 05:15 h hours as Ms Kapungwe started cleaning the theatre and when she went to the decontamination room, she found the now deceased on the floor lying lifeless with a needle and syringe in his left hand. She alerted others and they rushed there and found that he was dead,” she said.
She said police rushed to the scene and confirmed the incident.
“Physical inspection of the body showed a small cut on the forehead which was bleeding which he sustained when the forehead hit the floor. Preliminary investigations shows that the now deceaced might have committed suicide by injecting himself with unknown drugs at the theatre as he was found still holding an injection which was without drugs in the syringe in his left hand at the decontamination room. The body has since been deposited into the Mortuary awaiting Post-mortem examination to ascertain the cause of death,” she said.