ELIAS MUBANGA, the minister responsible for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, has directed his staff to speed up the distribution of Marketeers booster loans to all regions that have not yet had them.
And Mr. MUBANGA regrets that the marketers in the ZIMBA District have yet to get the monies for empowerment.
He claims that this is true even though the majority of them have applied for the facility.
The Minister made this statement while touring the major market in ZIMBA District to see how government empowerment programs were being implemented there.
Some of the dealers also informed the minister that they would be willing to reapply for the loans provided the conditions of the facility were altered.
SAUL HOBE and JOHN KAPELWA claimed they applied for the facility some time ago but had not yet heard back from the officials in charge of running it.
Other businesspeople, including DAVID CHANSA and EMELDA SINKUYA, claimed they required the funds to finance the expansion of their enterprises.