TEN RUDE PEOPLE ran smoke at City Market yesterday, damaging 25 vehicles and leaving some Lusaka minibus drivers with serious injury.
Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale reported that five people have already been taken into custody in relation to the altercation.
According to Mr. Mwale, the incident began when a group of ten guys told one of the bus drivers not to park their vehicles in front of the Young Pheros gate.
According to him, the suspects said that the shop owner had told them to inform the drivers.
According to Mr. Mwale, as the group was leaving the site after delivering orders, one of the drivers, identified as Nyambe, resisted them and was beaten.
Several bus drivers, he claimed, were irritated by the action and hurriedly raced to save their comrade.
“Police in Lusaka recorded 25 cases of malicious damage to property after a group of 10 unruly people at City Market Bus Station ran amoke and caused serious damages to minibusses.
Some minibus drivers were left with serious injuries in the same fracas that occurred on April 6, 2023 between 14:30 hours and 16:00 hours at City Market Bus station munyaule area opposite Young Pheros shop,” Mr Mwale said.
He said that five people were detained in connection with the same incident by officers who were on the scene quickly, while the other five fled.
“The group fled but one of their member identified as Austin Bwalya was apprehended by a mob and later beaten before he was handed over to Police at City Market Police Post,” he said.
Mr. Mwale claimed that during the altercation, the group emerged carrying various tools, including machetes, knives, screwdrivers, and plunks, with the intention of freeing their comrade Austin Bwalya.
The mob, according to him, damaged minibuses and brutally assaulted some of the minibus drivers.
“25 minibusses had their windows broken and tyres deflated using knives.Police officers rushed to the scene and managed to arrest five suspects aged between 21 and 42 while the other five escaped,” he said.
Mr Mwale said the suspects have been detained in Police custody while the one who was beaten by a mob was rushed to the hospital.
He said a manhunt for the other five has been launched.
Mr Mwale said calm was restored around 16:30 hours while more officers have been deployed in the area to make sure that law and order is maintained.