Nija Charles aspired to become a music producer or, as she puts it, “the female Pharrell” when she was younger.
But now that she’s become a songwriter “by accident,” she’s been nominated for a Grammy.
A Songwriter of the Year award has been added as one of five new categories for the massive US industry presentation in 2022.
“Because this is so large, it just seems like a dream. She tells BBC Newsbeat, “This is history.
“I think it’s well past time. It only makes sense to have it, so I want to thank all the songwriters who battled to make it happen.
The 25-year-old has written music for Beyoncé’s Cozy and other Beyoncé songs, as well as songs for Lady Gaga, Drake, Ariana Grande, and others.
But which feat is more impressive: writing a song that becomes the number-one hit for those singers, or receiving a Grammy nomination?
“Almost as if there is no higher position than number one. Nija declares, “It’s at the top of the charts.
But I’ve been looking at getting a Grammy nomination since I was a young child.