Home Zambia News Arrested: 36 Junkies, including five women

Arrested: 36 Junkies, including five women


36 alleged “junkies,” ranging in age from 17 to 35, were detained in the Kamanga compound in Lusaka after a police raid.

Five female suspects were among those detained, and they are accused of engaging in idle and rowdy behavior.

One of the suspects was discovered to have marijuana, according to Deputy Police Public Relations Officer Danny Mwale, and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has been contacted.

“Police in Lusaka arrested 36 people among them five females in an operation targeting ‘junkies’ in Kamanga compound. We conducted an operation yesterday at 20:00 hours and today at 02:00 hours.All the suspects aged between 17 and 35 are in police custody for the offense of idle and disorderly,”he said.