Home Zambia News Concerned About Unreported GBV Cases is Victim Support

Concerned About Unreported GBV Cases is Victim Support


The rise in incidences of gender-based violence—or GBV—that go unreported, usually involving women, is of concern to the police victim support unit.

According to MUIMUI MUBITA, coordinator of the Lusaka Province Support Unit, the majority of victims of domestic abuse do not report their assault.

Mr. MUBITA asked residents to report GBV cases while leading a team of police officers in a door-to-door sensitization session during the ongoing 16 days of activism against GBV in Chawama Constituency.

The door-to-door indoctrination would be implemented at all stations in the City, according to Edward Simukonde, the deputy community service coordinator for the province of Lusaka.